
The man, the myth, and not yet legend, but whoa is he a genius, Erick Hanberg. Well lets check out his resume. I mean the balls on this guy to sell a book that he hasn't even written is a legendary story within its self. I don't blame the consumers because he actually is a really talented writer. For those interested, he has a few science fiction adventures, and a Veronica Mars novella. How cool is that! Enough of books already, lets talk theater! An area that was not so fruitful to begin with. He has started an unsuccessful theater company but was still not in bad shape. Erik staged several well-reviewed plays, musicals, and cabarets. In addition, his dramatic writing for the theater has been featured in the Pierce County Playwright Festival, and our very own local Tacoma Little Theater.

This is the blueprint of an ultimate entrepreneur. Hangberg is not only an author of several books, thriving theatrics producer/director, but also the commissioner of the Metro Parks board! Just when I thought I heard everything, Erik has served on the Metro Parks Board of Tacoma since January 2010. He is one of five commissioners who oversees the park district of Tacoma, with an annual operating budget of more than $40 million! Some serious responsibilities! Did I mention he is also a co-founder of a company called Side by Side creatives? I guess the guy could be a legend, might as well put that on his long list of accomplishments!


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